Saturday, July 25, 2009


Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan. Freedom to them is not a one stop destination but a never ending unfolding in consciousness. This journey in consciousness is however punctuated with certain evolutionary milestones.

At the outset, Oneness is concerned about creating human beings who are focused on growth. Life essentially being a journey, the destinations we create are very significant.

The Universe conspires to bring to you that on which you are focused.

It is based on this law that Oneness seeks to create individuals who are growth oriented, be it in the field of business or profession, relationships or a spiritual evolution.

Oneness does not Divide
Oneness has a unitary view of life and hence does not divide as the material and the spiritual. Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan do not see the material and the spiritual worlds as being in opposition to each other. They are but complementary sides. They do not see a demarcation between the two. Since it requires same tenacious application and deeper insights into oneself, the laws governing the universe and the nature of life itself to create growth either in the sensex or in one’s consciousness.

Poverty and prosperity begin with thought. Ignorance or insights also begin with thought.

For a change let us discuss the first issue. Consciousness reflects the stands you take. If you seek to create abundance, begin with shifting your perceptions, your emotions, and your attitudes to the individual situations, to people around and to the world at large. An internal shift is the first requisite towards manifesting an external change in the desired directions. It is from this state of awakened intelligence that constructive action springs forth.

What about growth in relationships?
Are not relationships the primary reason for why we do what we do, be the most heroic of acts or the most heinous. It is our desire to move closer or to move away that prompts us into life’s varied activities.

Where do I begin if not with myself?
Your relationship with yourself needs to heal before it heals with others. The broken fragments of your unaccepted self need to come together to experience oneness within yourself. In this state of Oneness your war with yourself is over. You are at peace with yourself.

Friendship is the best form of relationship.
Once at peace with yourself, you also become capable of befriending others. Egocentric relationships give way to connectedness. Interactions are no more battles that reflect rigidity and incapacity of feeling but become playfields sporting ease, freedom and flexibility. Judgment gives way to compassion. You are experiencing friendship in every relationship. This is Oneness with the other.

Oneness with Pain, Oneness with Rain; Oneness is Non-Resistance
You are a reservoir of energy now capable of bringing attention to every moment of life. There is a greater experiencing of reality as it is. You do not resist anything that life offers you. Non–resistance is non-violence. You are awake.

Oneness with the Collective
The human brain has several doorways to experiencing the universe and the collective consciousness that permeates the universe. Through the power of Deeksha or the Oneness Blessing you have a direct experience of the Divine in His/Her infinite splendor.

Oneness aims at creating a new generation of human beings who care for all life on earth.
Psychologically we are inseparable from the rest of humanity, also from all the beings on the earth and the sea. Every individual who awakens to oneness automatically impacts several thousands of beings, helping them grow towards a greater experience of reality; and to discover newer ways of living and loving. You create a better planet for the present and the future.

This is our shared destiny.

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