Example:- "You came across a person whom you trusted the most because of the promises he made. In turn he cheated you and insulted you".
Step-1 :Close your eyes. Invoke the presence of Sri Amma Bhagavan and visualize that they are residing in your heart as well as in other person's heart and then offer a prayer to them to give you the inner strength to accept the truth "as it is".
Step-2 :Open your eyes and preferably on a piece of paper please write down....Recollect the reasons and the situations which made you to trust him. Now assume that each and every reason and situation is a spike.
Step-3:Now recollect your expectations from that person (due to the reasons and situations) and finally the way he destroyed all your hopes. Now take a note that these deviations and consider them to be as spikes.

Step-2 :Open your eyes and preferably on a piece of paper please write down....Recollect the reasons and the situations which made you to trust him. Now assume that each and every reason and situation is a spike.

Step-3:Now recollect your expectations from that person (due to the reasons and situations) and finally the way he destroyed all your hopes. Now take a note that these deviations and consider them to be as spikes.
Step-4:Look at the damage that had happened to you. Identify all the spikes. Now each spike is the component of a negative image that runs in your mind. Now close your eyes and watch the image that is running in your mind very closely. Don't judge anything. Don't curse, don't criticize or condemn. Just see the image as it is. Just see the spikes as they are.
Step-5:This might be a very painful process and you may outburst with tears. What so ever, just allow the pain to land on you? Stay with it and experience it till the end. Do not quit.
Step-6:Identify the incident where you have tolerated injustice in the past. Tolerating injustice also is a crime. So only injustice landed on you in this form.
(Or)You might have done injustice to someone. Then identify that incident and offer a forgiveness prayer.
Step-7:In the external world you help someone who is facing troubles in the life to your maximum extent.By default this negative pattern will be removed from your life and you find people around you helping you and supporting you.
Step-5:This might be a very painful process and you may outburst with tears. What so ever, just allow the pain to land on you? Stay with it and experience it till the end. Do not quit.
Step-6:Identify the incident where you have tolerated injustice in the past. Tolerating injustice also is a crime. So only injustice landed on you in this form.
(Or)You might have done injustice to someone. Then identify that incident and offer a forgiveness prayer.
Step-7:In the external world you help someone who is facing troubles in the life to your maximum extent.By default this negative pattern will be removed from your life and you find people around you helping you and supporting you.
Marapathm Mannipathum Sagayam
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